Sunday, March 31, 2013

Mmmm Chocolate

I just had to post this little chocolate bunny.
It was Connor's first chocolate bunny.
It had NO SOY.. and it was made in a "safe" place!
Notice this missing ears.
It's the simple things in life.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Winter Has the Last Laugh

So we thought winter was done when
we had the snowstorm in early March.
We were wrong.
We were blessed with several inches of
heavy wet snow at the end of March.
Yee haw.

Soooo... we took the kids sledding again.
That's what you do with your cousins who
happen to be on Spring Break.

Everyone needs giant sows around when they go sledding.
They followed us to the sledding hill thinking they were getting fed.

My sister-in-law is trying to shoo this sow away from the sledding arena.

The temperature kept rising.
Normally this is a good thing in the spring...
unless you want to sled.
The sledding hill turned into a muddy sandy mess by the time
the boys were done sledding.
At least they had fun.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Winter's Last Blast

Around our neck of the woods, we had not had a "significant" snowfall... until yesterday.
Not that the adults missed it...
but the boys had not been able to sled down the sand hill all winter.
Today was the day.

Looking at the southwest corner of our property.

Looking at the northwest corner of our property.

The sand hill is "out west" on Grandpa's farm.

Looking east, it's a looong way to get to the road.

Connor crawling in the tracks left by Grandpa's truck.
Some of the drifts were up to my knee...
I'm very thankful Grandpa offered to drive us out to the hill!

One of the views from the sand hill.