Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Food Fun

 Never in a million years would I have thought that I would like cooking and baking. I love making food for the family. Especially foods that are good tasting and safe for Connor to eat and enjoy. I like to tell people that I learned how to cook twice. The second time was learning to cook with food allergies.

I've come a long way!

A few of the things I have made lately, minus the corn dogs and brownies.

Simmering enchilada sauce.

Homemade chocolate glazed yeast donuts.

Chocolate raspberry ice cream cake.

Mint chocolate chip cookies.

The first angel food cake in the new oven.

A happy yolk!
(I didn't make the egg, that's God's doing, but I had to share its smile.)

Homemade stuffed crust pizza.

Homemade quick cinnamon rolls.

Sweet potato pie!

Not only do I enjoy being in the kitchen but I also LOVE cast iron. Why oh why did I wait so long to try it? This is the latest piece we've acquired. It was in an old building on the farm.

It was lead tested and brought back to life.

All ready to use.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Quilt Repair Update


Quick update on the quilt repair.

I trimmed the wonky side.
It was driving me crazy!

I finished patching the front side.
It's kind of obvious that I didn't really make an effort to have straight patches!
The material moved too much to keep things straight.
Oh well, it adds to the character of the quilt.

I have started repairing the back side.
It shouldn't take as long as there are fewer holes.
Plus the material is much easier to sew through.

Friday, March 26, 2021


A couple of weeks ago we picked up a few barred rock pullets.
Connor had been wanting some and it's chick season.
How could we say no?
Sadly, two of the three died.
We've never lost a chick in all the years we've raised chickens.

We did what any rational parents would do...
We bought four more chicks so the last barred rock wouldn't get lonely.
(Chicken math at its finest.)
These are golden comets, a new breed to us.
They're supposed to be docile.
So far they're pretty friendly.

Check out this wood duck I caught behind the house!

Before anyone thinks I'm an amazing photographer, here's the original photo taken with the good zoom lens.
Then I used the free version of Light Room to crop and edit the lighting.
We were quite impressed with the editing ability of Light Room.