Saturday, August 04, 2012

Nina & Pinta

We took the kids to see full-size replicas of
the Nina & Pinta, two of Columbus' ships.

The size of these ships are actually quite small,
especially when you stop to think
that they sailed across the Atlantic Ocean.

This is a tiny canon on the upper deck of the Pinta.
The boys thought this was a cool weapon.
The sign, however, said it was used to signal other ships...
not for destroying mini-enemies.

The boys on the Nina.

If I remember the sign right, there were about
25 men aboard the Nina, along with animals.
Not much room to spare.

We were fascinated by the information on this sign.
It says a 14 year old apprentice built the ships boat.
The boat that's used to get from the ship to shore.

Picture of the ships boat.
The kid did an awesome job.

Sorry for the lighting....  I couldn't move the sun or the ship. :)

This amazed us.  The captain's quarters on the Nina.
This is the only way in.  Also the only ventilation.
I imagine it could be very stuffy in there.

You just don't realize the danger the early explorers
went through until you stand on such a small ship!

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