Today I went grocery shopping. I'll be honest and say I'm not a fan of doing that.
Shopping for a food allergic person can be very time consuming.
When shopping, I read every label of every item every time. This is a must, no exceptions.
That is the rule for people with food allergies as ingredients & manufacturing change all the time.
In our house labels are read again when I get home and all food gets either a red or green sticker.
This is the process we go through to keep Connor safe.
Today I had one of those food-allergy "mom moments".
That's what I call it when something ordinary brings a tear to my eye.
Something as simple as sunflower kernels.
These are special because Connor can safely eat them!
We found them a couple of years ago in our local grocery store. It was great... until last year.
They stopped carrying them and I couldn't find them anywhere.
Until today.
I'm still not sure who was more excited, me or Connor.
We high-fived, hugged, and did a little dance right in the snack isle.
It was great!
Here's why they are special. They are not processed with nuts.
Every other sunflower kernel brand I've read so far (and I've read a lot) is processed with nuts.
These taste great. As you can see, the ingredient list is very short.
No goofy chemicals or hydrogenated oils. Just kernels, oil, and salt.
So if you, or someone you know, likes sunflower kernels please buy a bag or two.
Dakota Style is a small company and it would be great to support their product.
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