No we didn't have another child.
We borrowed a blond one!
Just kidding, we had the joy of watching this little guy for the day.
We had so much fun with him!
By now most people know I'm having a couple of surgeries in a few weeks.
If not, you know now.
In anticipation of my recovery period afterwards, I'm prepping Nolan's quilt.
I'm hoping to have the quilt ready so I'll have something to do while I'm recovering.
Nolan chose the stars.
I think they will look quite nice once it's finished.
These are the real reason for this post.
We have officially picked these as our new favorite muffin.
They are chocolate chip raspberry.
I can't begin to tell you how yummy these are!
I asked Connor if they were good enough to try again someday.
He said they were good enough to make again right now!
~ I'm glad I made a double batch! ~
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