While we were on vacation we took a day trip to Mount Mitchell in North Carolina.
It was about an hour and a half drive from Erwin.
As you can see, the road was quite crooked!
You can only see signs like this in the mountains.
This was on one of those hair-pin turns.
The views were so beautiful.
I cannot possibly capture what God has painted before us!
While on this journey toward Mount Mitchell, we came across this suspension bridge.
We had to stop.
We looked for a private property sign and didn't find one.
So we ventured onto this very wobbly bridge.
It didn't take long for a neighbor to come and tell us this bridge was public property.
He also said it gets inspected twice a year.
Inspected or not, I couldn't get myself to go more than ten feet.
Did I mention that this bridge moves quite a bit?
And the river below was very fast?
"Weight limit 4 persons"
No thanks.
The boys were very brave and crossed the whole thing!
This picture is very deceiving.
The wooden part stops as you get over the water.
From that point it's nothing but wood planks for walking on,
woven wire sides, and steel cables coming down holding it all together.
I couldn't believe how brave the boys were.
You could see the bridge move as they walked.
Dwayne made it about half way before deciding to turn around.
It didn't seem to bother Connor at all.
He crossed it twice.
Brave boys!
I had fears of them getting to the other side and saying, "Come get us!"
One last look at the bridge before continuing to Mt. Mitchell.
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