This is our dog, Snow Carpet.
For some reason she let the snow accumulate on her.
I couldn't figure out why she didn't just shake it off like she usually does.
Oh wait, I'm talking about Pepper, the goofy dog.
She thinks she can stare me down.
I was already outside once.
Apparently that wasn't enough.
(She may have been mad at me for not letting her help chase a calf.)
The cows breaking a trail to the ditch after the weekend storm.
This isn't the best picture but it shows the two calves.
On Wednesday we had another round of snow.
It was at the height of this mini snow storm that the cows
decided they needed a drink at the ditch.
Only one of the calves made it back the way he was supposed to go.
The other one thought our back yard would make a good detour.
Pepper didn't like his visit and sounded quite the vicious alarm.
Pepper made some trail of her own.
Hers are not as straight.
Reminded us of Billy from Family Circus.
We think our dog has ADD.
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