Monday, May 11, 2015


These gals and their friends have officially moved outside.
Woo hoo!

They now have lots of room to run around.
We'll let them free range in the barn lot when they get bigger.

The ducks think the water pan is their personal pond.

This was before they got all muddy.


 We were outside ourselves this weekend.

We went for a walk out west.

Nothing unusual, same trees.

Same gate.

I stopped to take pictures of this tree.

I often take pictures looking up the trunk of a tree.
I don't know why, it's just cool to do.
This time, however, I noticed an insulator part way up the trunk.
We've walked past this tree for years and never noticed it.
If you look closely, it's in the previous picture.
I didn't notice it until after I took it.

It has to be over 15 feet high.
It's always fun to find a new treasure.

I realized on this walk that both of us usually take something to shoot with.
I use my Cannon and Dwayne uses his Silent Cat.
Mine sounds more powerful!

Young boys have to shoot daddy's gun too!

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