We have been busy around here.
We've managed three weeks of uninterrupted school.
We enjoyed the last baseball game with the boys.
It involved a father-son game.
(One of the players from our house is very sore.
I won't mention which of them this is!)
We're still dealing with my dad's affairs and belongings.
It's taking longer than we anticipated (or wanted) it too.
I take my time going through his stuff.
I can only do so much a day, or every other day.
I'd say we're about halfway through.
Someday, I'll have my living room back.
We're not the only ones busy around here.
Pepper has been busy too.
Hers is the destructive kind of busy.
This is our dog, Brown Nose.
She had another nice sized hole for us to fill in.
One morning we found another pile of stuffing from lamb chop.
She had some sticks thrown in as well.
The ball didn't quite make this pile.
There also happened to be a second pile of things.
Apparently she was bored that night.
She felt the need to relocate our pile of firewood.
Sometimes I think our yard looks like we have a toddler living here.
I wonder if we could train her to put her toys away?
I'll keep dreaming... and cleaning.
This is what's left of lamb chop.
It is completely devoid of stuffing.
Connor said its heart was hanging out.
We threw this toy away.
Don't fear.
She has a new lamb chop.
Actually, she received two.
One for now and the other for later.
'Cause you know she's going to destroy this one too.
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