So we've hit that time of year when not much is going on.
It's usually chilly and yucky outside which is typical for Indiana winter.
But we've managed to escape the winter storms so far.
It seems we always have a nasty snowstorm the last week of February or first week of March.
Only time will tell if we'll escape without any storms.
What have we been up to?
We made homemade ice cream in zip-loc bags.
It was one of Connor's yummy science activities.
The ice cream was good but someone wasn't so thrilled with the process.
It was a little noisy.
I have started working on my next quilt project.
It will be lap sized and obviously darker than the one shown on the pattern.
I found this material on a Shipshewana trip with some ladies from church.
It was a fat quarter bundle that I saw and loved the fabric.
I snatched it up not really knowing what I'd do with it...
other than quilt it of course!
I spent the last several days measuring and cutting.
And measuring and cutting some more.
I think I cut 24 rectangles and 120 squares by the time I was done.
I don't have all of the material I need for this project yet.
At least I have a good head start for when I get the rest!
And in other news... we're getting five ducklings this weekend!
Connor's super excited... Ok, we're all a little excited. :)
It will be good hear the little "peeps" again.
Not to mention that we'll have an overload of cuteness.
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