It's no secret that we enjoy our ducks.
They're so much fun.
I think this one might be my favorite.
She kept waiting for her peas ever so patiently.
These are the four Indian Runners that we're keeping.
I finally got a picture of all of them together... not all in focus, but all together.
We've also finally got names for all of them.
From left to right: Caramel, Vanilla, Drake (or Solomon), and Bender.
The three hens.
Bender has the darkest beak and a bent tail.
Caramel has the tan beak and Vanilla has the lightest beak.
These two, Kit & Kat... or I as call them, Kit Kat
(it's not like they know their names), may be my other favorites.
They come up to me almost every time I'm outside.
We try to feed the ducks peas every day.
It's a nice treat for them.
They come when they're called.
Our little rooster likes the peas too!
These four were raised together and always hang out together.
You could say we have three "cliques" among our flock.
One of Indian Runners; one of older chickens; and this one, two ducks and two chickens.
Looks like they're playing basketball!
We still haven't heard Ra crow yet but he has started clucking & cackling loudly.
I didn't know roosters did this until I Googled it.
This rooster is crazy.
He will sit in your lap.
For the most part he is friendly.
Although I wanted to drop kick him the other day for pecking my back and pulling my skin.
I had a red mark for a while.
He reaffirmed my dislike of being pecked by a chicken.
Now I don't trust him.
(There's nothing sharp on a duck but their toes...
so it doesn't hurt if they grab you with their beak.)
An update on Gigantor... who's the same age as the hen next to him.
As you can see, he's substantially bigger!
Thankfully, he's not aggressive at this point.
If he does get mean I'm going to have to find a very large pot!
Before I get to the really exciting part of this post, I have to show this silly bird.
As I mentioned in a previous post, she gets into the yard almost every afternoon.
And she lets herself back out every evening.
And Pepper leaves her alone.
Good dog.
Lest you think Pepper's gone soft, she has killed two rabbits in the yard in the last two days.
Here's the really exciting thing that happened this week.
Our ducks started laying eggs!
We couldn't be more excited.
Aren't they beautiful!
They're even better looking in omelet form.
Connor hadn't had an omelet in six months.
He said it was the best one ever!
Duck egg pancakes.
Eggless pancakes just don't rise like they should.
Connor's making a list of all the things he wants to eat now that we have eggs again.
It warms this mom's heart to be able to feed him "normal" food again.
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