Yesterday we had our first day of school.
This our eighth year of homeschooling.
Eight. Who would have thought that?
Not me.
The year before we started homeschooling someone asked me if we homeschooled.
I said, "No, absolutely not!" thinking we're not one of "those" strange families.
Well, one year later, we were one of "those" families and we liked it.
Sometimes I feel like a seasoned homeschooler and other times I feel like I have no clue!
Especially since officially starting high school this year.
(We got our feet wet with Algebra I last year.)
Transcripts, class descriptions, credits.
Sounds intimidating but it's not.
I'm a spread sheet junkie.
Transcripts are just spread sheets, right up my alley.
Piece of cake.
We took our traditional by-the-cabinet picture.
I also started taking a "school" picture on our first day.
I discovered if I didn't do this right away, it never got done.
This was after several tries... the dog kept trying to join the fun.
We had a good first day.
One day down, only 179 more to go.
I'm hopeful for a good year.
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