Not much going on around here.
Camp recovery/Texas prep.
School prep... which I will save for another post. So stay tuned.
These are our two Laced Wyandotte chickens.
They seem to be people chickens and think they belong on the porch.
I tend to disagree with the porch part.
They leave bombs.
Bombs should not be on my porch. Ever.
Our resident bomb cleaner isn't keeping up with her part of the job either.
I can't fire the dog. (A house joke... we'd never get rid of her.)
I hate the thought of training another one.
Especially since she only needs to be told something once or twice!
(She listens better than the boys sometimes.)
Speaking of our dog.
Dwayne got ready to leave for work one morning to find this.
Pepper was ready to play.
Last week the crop dusters were all over the area.
I love watching their acrobatics in an attempt to spray every
part of a field and yet miss the trees and houses.
Their skill amazes me.
Our older ducks have stopped laying eggs.
I jokingly blamed the planes but we don't think that's the culprit.
We've gone six days and counting without a single duck egg.
We think they may be molting.
They molt differently than chickens do.
We're still relatively new to raising ducks.
Our first batch of ducks were killed before we had them a year.
So we're in uncharted territory.
This was taken the other week while we sat at the farmers market by the courthouse.
This squirrel was bumbling around the lawn seemingly not bothered by the people.
It only ran up a tree when the market kids (children of market vendors) would try to chase him.
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