Tank is quite a handsome duck.
He's a little on the large side too.
We've been getting about 3 - 4 duck eggs a day for about a month now.
And we're pretty sure it's the older hens that are laying.
Eventually the younger ones will start.
Then we'll have so many eggs we won't know what to do.
It's a good problem to have.
Good news, my wrist is not broken.
I'm so thankful it's just sprained and bruised.
I don't even have to wear a brace unless it's needed.
It's still tender when I do certain activities but should get better with time.
So I'm back to quilting.
I'm starting slow and easing back into it.
OK that was the doctor's orders... I am trying to pace myself and not overdo it.
But the quilts are calling...
I haven't showed this in a while.
It's currently 17 1/2" x 19".
It's a slow process and I don't work on it all that often.
However I did make some progress during my recovery.
I'm almost finished with this section.
Then I will decide if it's done or keep going until it's double in size which was the original goal.
It's supposed to be a table runner.
I do like the way it's turned out so far.
While I enjoy working on it, the slow pace leads to boredom.
That's part of the reason I don't work on it all the time.
But, I'm excited to get this much done and maybe that will be the boost I need to finish it.
He's a little on the large side too.
We've been getting about 3 - 4 duck eggs a day for about a month now.
And we're pretty sure it's the older hens that are laying.
Eventually the younger ones will start.
Then we'll have so many eggs we won't know what to do.
It's a good problem to have.
Good news, my wrist is not broken.
I'm so thankful it's just sprained and bruised.
I don't even have to wear a brace unless it's needed.
It's still tender when I do certain activities but should get better with time.
So I'm back to quilting.
I'm starting slow and easing back into it.
OK that was the doctor's orders... I am trying to pace myself and not overdo it.
But the quilts are calling...
I haven't showed this in a while.
It's currently 17 1/2" x 19".
It's a slow process and I don't work on it all that often.
However I did make some progress during my recovery.
I'm almost finished with this section.
Then I will decide if it's done or keep going until it's double in size which was the original goal.
It's supposed to be a table runner.
I do like the way it's turned out so far.
While I enjoy working on it, the slow pace leads to boredom.
That's part of the reason I don't work on it all the time.
But, I'm excited to get this much done and maybe that will be the boost I need to finish it.
My latest purchase for my quilting adventures.
I've been watching tutorials and doing lessons like crazy.
My drafting mind thinks one way and the quilting world thinks another.
Somehow I have to get the two to meld.
This is a table runner I sketched in my notebook.
I also designed a throw sized quilt similar to this but it has yet to make it in the computer.
I'm having fun playing and learning.
I'm a little overwhelmed at all the possibilities.
My first attempt at an Indian Runner.
How fun would it be to have a quilt full of these guys!
I'm starting to get the hang of the program.
This quilt was made by my great grandmother.
The pink in the original quilt is much lighter than this.
I used a darker color so it would show up better on the blog.
I have parts of it sketched in a graph notebook.
I kept putting off laying this out on graph paper.
I knew it would take a while to calculate and draw it by hand.
It was much easier to use this software to lay it out. :)
I can now print a pattern.
It will even calculate how much fabric I need. Way to cool!
This is a table runner I sketched in my notebook.
I also designed a throw sized quilt similar to this but it has yet to make it in the computer.
I'm having fun playing and learning.
I'm a little overwhelmed at all the possibilities.
My first attempt at an Indian Runner.
How fun would it be to have a quilt full of these guys!
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