In no particular order, here's a few random photos.
These two were playing keep away with a back scratcher.
Connor felt the need to put on a few hats.
It was so he could look like that dude on Space Balls with the helmet around his Afro.
I'm not making this stuff up.
He said that was the reason for the excessive amounts of stocking caps.
It was quite funny.
That's Connor in a nutshell.
Never a dull moment. Ever.
Sorry, but you can't escape a post without something quilty.
If all goes well, I'll be quilting this today.
Pepper really wanted someone to come out and play.
That poor deflated ball is her favorite ball.
She has a few others but apparently they're not as good as this one.
Gigantic chocolate chip cookie.
No explanation needed.
We (I mean Dwayne and myself) enjoyed a nice fire yesterday afternoon.
It was 38 outside.
I wore my Carhartts.
We burned up the last of our firewood for the season.
And sadly, we were out of hot chocolate.
Yesterday we moved a few ducks in with the chickens.
The chickens were not thrilled... which is fine because I don't care.
The ducks are not fond of any change whatsoever.
(They were scared of the blue heated bucket when I first brought it out this season. They drank out of it last year but have forgotten.)
It will take a few days for them to get used to the new routine.
They're such silly creatures.
Why the move?
Well, we think there were too many in the other coop.
We began to have problems with the duck bedding.
So we thought we'd try fewer ducks in that coop.
As soon as I opened the window to take the previous picture, there was a stampede for peas.
They were sleeping in the front yard and I tried to open the widow quietly.
I was spotted but I remained very still hoping they wouldn't come running.
Didn't work.
So I fed them peas like a good duck owner.
By the way, we've trained the ducks to come when they hear the chuck wagon dinner bell.
I didn't even have to call them last time. They came running all on their own.
It's so cool!
One of these days we'll get it on video.
Yes, it looks like we segregated our ducks by color.
This is just a coincidence.
The first flock of runners we had were all fawn and white.
The second bunch were all dark colors.
They bonded with the groups they started with.
The drakes each have a "harem" aligned accordingly.
Although they all miss each other we figured that was the best way to divide the group.
We'll see how it goes. It may not solve our bedding problems but it's worth a try.
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