This has nothing to do with natural life but I didn't know where else to stick it.
This is the view from my desk at work.
I have a desk, a folding table with a computer and two monitors (to the left), and a large drafting table (behind me).
Most days I prefer to face the window mostly because I have a window. :)
You can't really see them in this photo but there's a wind farm all over my view.
I'm not a fan (no pun intended). They mar the view of the country side.
It's been stormy lately and one storm was bad enough it blocked all of the turbines from sight.
The facility I work in is in the middle of farmland.
My window looks south toward a highway.

One of the stormy days I drove out of the storm on my way home from work.
There was a nice display of mammatus clouds.
I had to stop and get a photo.
The next day there was heavy rain at home and I drove out of that on my way to work.
The clouds were quite amazing.
I also had to stop and get some pictures.
Google Photos was kind enough to put these photos together for me to get a nice panorama.
I recently got a new phone and I have been enjoying the camera.
In my dream world I live in the mountains, quilt, and tinker with photography.
My dad was an amateur photographer. So I get it honest.
Our roses are blooming.
It was breezy when the first few blooms opened up.
I had to hold this one carefully between the thorns.
No wind!
We have dark pink.
As well as a lighter pink.
These are from our re-blooming lilac bush.
It blooms several times throughout the summer.
I love mushrooms!
My mother-in-law's poppies.
I need to take some time to tinker with my phone's camera and see what it can do.
A nest of robins in our crab apple tree.
I could only get one bird to open it's mouth.

It amazes me how fast they grow!
Beautiful day.
We usually see several tracks on our farm walks but snake tracks are rare.
We also saw turkey tracks the other day but I didn't get a picture.
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