Sunday, September 26, 2021
Not Much
Friday, July 23, 2021
The Lil' Fidget Quilt
I made a little fidget quilt.
People make fun of Pinterest. I use it for quilting research. I literally have thousands of pins in my quilting board. It's my go-to library. I had lots of information on fidget quilts saved and was eager to make one. It took a couple of weeks to get this whipped up...that's fast for me since I'm at work 40 hours a week. It was fun making this and as usual I learned a lot.
I love making quilts. It's easy sewing. All straight seams. Any other kind of sewing stresses me out! So for this quilt I had to stretch my sewing comfort zone. I learned to sew a pocket, velcro, and a zipper! Things I would have never tried had it not been for my great desire to quilt. I'm still not going to be a seamstress by any means but at least I can say I've sewn a zipper.
This quilt has 25 squares. I loosely followed a free fidget quilt pattern. It has buttons, ribbons, velcro, pockets, flaps, lace, loops, and a zipper. Most of the things I had on hand and only needed to purchase a few items.
Wednesday, June 02, 2021
Monday, May 31, 2021
Now Loading

Saturday, May 08, 2021
Quilt Repair Done!
I have finished the quilt repair!
I'm thrilled to have this done.
It took way longer than anticipated but that's OK, I learned a lot.

Friday, April 02, 2021
Photo Fun
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Food Fun
Never in a million years would I have thought that I would like cooking and baking. I love making food for the family. Especially foods that are good tasting and safe for Connor to eat and enjoy. I like to tell people that I learned how to cook twice. The second time was learning to cook with food allergies.
I've come a long way!
A few of the things I have made lately, minus the corn dogs and brownies.
Sweet potato pie!
Not only do I enjoy being in the kitchen but I also LOVE cast iron. Why oh why did I wait so long to try it? This is the latest piece we've acquired. It was in an old building on the farm.
All ready to use.