Thursday, August 23, 2012

Play Ball

We tried something new this year.
In the past, the boys have played t-ball and baseball in the city league.
We no longer enjoyed it so we haven't played in several years.
This year Nolan played with a homeschool baseball team.
I can honestly say we enjoyed it.  We have never had so much
fun with organized baseball as we did this year.
The team is called Addison Faithful.  It's a group of homeschool boys ages 8 to 15.
They divide the boys into two squads and they play each other every week.
It was such a family atmosphere.
Everyone cheered everyone else, no matter what 'side' they were on.

They had a bible verse, 2 Peter 3.18 they were expected to memorize.
Before each game they had warm up time and a devotional taught by the coach.
Nolan has enjoyed playing and improved his game this year.

Nolan in the outfield ... and paying attention.
The coach places the younger players here...  let's face it,
a safer place to be when you have 15 year olds who crush the ball.

1 comment:

Rachel J said...

Thanks for your sweet comment, Angela!

By the way, I love the expression on your son's face in the last picture... so Nolan!!!

Lots of love,