I finally got a couple of pictures of the roses.
They bloom every spring...
and every spring the wind blows the tar out of them.
It's funny how it's always windy when they're in full bloom.
It makes the ground look like it snowed flower petals.
I finally finished this quilt top.
I think it's a little on the crazy side but it's growing on me.
I found some super cute fabric with little Woodstocks all over it for the backing.
I'm sure I'll make a post when it's quilted and bound.
Sorry for the fuzzy pic.
It was a sneaky photo ;)
I love the look on his face.
He joked that there weren't any pictures of him on the blog lately.
I told him to quit hiding from the camera.
Sunday we were putting supper in the oven when my phone alerted us.
Then Dwayne's phone did the same.
It was a tornado warning.
We knew it might storm but didn't think it would be severe.
Not to mention that I didn't know my phone was set up to alert us for weather.
Usually we can't even hear the siren. It's too far away.
It was so eerily quiet we could actually hear it this time.
So after taking our usual tornado-warning-stuff to the basement, we ate down there too.
This is a chicken looking in our basement window.
We decided to lock up all of our ducks in the coops but left the chickens out.
We didn't want the little runners to get blown away!
The chickens like to hang out by our rose bushes which happen to be by a basement window.
And the storm?
It went south of us.
All we got was a brief downpour.
Not even a little wind.
However, there was a tornado by Remington.
There was footage and photos on Facebook.
Pepper got to spend the storm warning with us in the basement.
This is her beside me while I watched it pour rain.
She decided she wasn't ready to back outside yet.
I didn't blame her.

Tank and Daisy.

We moved the little Runners outside!
For a couple of days I thought they had wet bellies.
Turns out it's their new feathers coming in.
I love the dark brown on the Chocolate Runners.
This duck no longer belongs to us, but my in-laws.
His name is Ducky and he lives on the other end of the farm.
We had been told that he roosts with the chickens.
I finally got a picture of the roosting duck.
It's quite the sight to watch him jump up there.
Crazy duck!
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