Despite the fact that we've decided that we have enough chickens (and ducks for that matter),
we got two more.
Yes, that's a little crazy.
But, these two birds are some of the coolest looking chickens around.
(Well, if you're into chickens.)

This is a Silver Laced Wyandotte.
Connor's been wanting one and wouldn't you know it that a local farm was getting rid of some.
So we had to get some.
OK, "had to" is a little strong.
We didn't want to pass up the opportunity.
There, I justified another chicken purchase.
Apparently the trip home was exhausting.

We got one silver (on the right) and one gold Wyandotte.
It will be fun watching them feather out.
That brings our flock to 8 chickens and 12 ducks.
I think we're done now.
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