Monday, February 19, 2018

Mini Snowstorm

Over the weekend we had a mini snowstorm.
If we have to have a snowstorm that's the kind to have.
Almost all of our snow had melted away in the previous days.
Saturday afternoon it started snowing giant flakes.
It kept snowing.
And snowing.
The next thing we new the ground was covered.
And it kept snowing.
And snowing some more.
By the time it was done we had a good three inches.
It was incredibly beautiful.
The best part about it was that our forecast was for the middle 40's the next day.
Haha snow, you're short lived.

This was taken at 3.

This was taken at 4:40.

Connor's snow pillar.
It morphed into several different things.
I think it started as a snowman.

Everything was caked with snow.

Ducks don't mind the snow at all.
In fact a few times this winter we have seen them trying to take a bath in the snow.
It's quite funny to watch.

I think they were expecting some peas.

We took the dog for a walk in the woods.
She was so excited.

I'm not sure who ran around more, Connor or Pepper.

The camera never does this kind of snow any justice.

There was no wind.

Giant snowflakes kept coming down.
Occasionally chunks of snow would fall from a tree.

I'm really hoping this was the last big snow...but I know it's probably not.
It seems like there's always some kind of snowstorm the first week of March.
We'll see.

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