I have always liked that hymn. In light of my dad's death I have a hard time getting through that song. (OK a lot of songs but that's one of the toughest.) I am choosing to write about grief in this post. I'm writing because I know I'm not the only one going through grief, or some other rough patch for that matter. Sometimes there are things that happen that take me by surprise. This is one of them but I know this will pass too. It has been a little over two and a half years since my dad's murder. It takes time to heal. Sometimes it takes a long time. That's OK. Most of the time I'm good. I can talk about my dad, see a truck, even pass a truck stop and it won't bother me one bit. Then there are times where something sparks a memory and it brings about some sadness. Usually it is brief and I choose not to dwell there as I cannot change what happened. This time, however, it came completely out of the blue and shook me. At first it was a shock. Then it sank in a gripped me. Not fun. I don't like being there.
The other day we were sharing some good news about one of the boys. I was mentally going through the people we called and making sure we covered everyone. That's when it happened. I absently minded thought to call my dad so he could know too. I wasn't even thinking about him. Nor was I thinking that he would have liked to have known, if he was alive. I haven't had a spontaneous urge to call my dad in a long time. It brought up such pain and sorrow. Not to mention that I get frustrated by the sadness. When I get to these seasons, everything seems to set it off. It was also frustrating because it's not like I was dwelling on it or trying to hang on to something I can't have. It was totally out of the blue. So for this short season the tears will come. And it's OK.
I know it's temporary. I also know that God is here with me as each tear falls. He's here with every sob that comes from deep within. I take comfort in the fact that God never changes. God isn't some hopeful idea. He is real. God does not forget His promises. There is an eternity in heaven for those who believe that Jesus died in our place for our sins and rose from the grave. It's so simple. Christ alone. Nothing else. Don't take my word for it. The Bible said it, not me.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."
John 3:16-18
John 3:16-18
Upon belief every believer is sealed with a permanent seal. Nothing can separate you from God. Nothing. And someday, one day, there will be no more pain, no more suffering, no more sorrow. Sin in any form causes pain. Someday there will be no more sin. Someday there will be no more death. How awesome that will be!
It is well with my soul because it's not condemned any longer. I believe that Jesus died in my place to pay for my sin. He paid the penalty in my place. I did absolutely nothing to deserve it. It was a free gift and all I had to do was believe.
When my dad woke up that fateful morning of August 27, 2015 he had no idea it was his last morning on earth. To the best of my knowledge, he was a believer. So it was well with his soul when he met God that day.
You have no idea when your last breath will be. It could be today or it could be years from now. I must ask, is it well with your soul?
The LORD'S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail;
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23
Praying for you today and each day. We all love and need our parents and when their time here on this earth is over, it is hard. I miss mine and it has been 12 years still I need them but I thank the Lord that I have the promise to be with them again, and most of all I thank God for being by my side everyday, when I need them he steps right in and gives me the peace to go on. God is my refuge and strength. I pray for your family to get justice for your dad, no one should have to go that way. We love you and your family . Tell the boys hello from Tennessee and we are proud of both of them.Hold on to God and he will be there through the good days and the hard days. Remember we are praying and love you.
Love Tim and Sheila
Angela you are so amazing. Your perspective has really touched me. I cannot even imagine how hard this must be. Yet you have such an amazing outlook on it and you are pointing to the cross through it all. I’m so sorry you have had to go through something so tough. Who knows why we have to go through such tough things on earth. But we have hope for a future in heaven free of pain, grief and anguish. You are amazing my friend. Love and miss you! I will be praying for you too. We all could use a praying warrior!
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