Friday, August 26, 2011

St. Louis

Some pictures from our weekend trip to St. Louis.  Special thanks to our hosts, Sherm & Carolyn.  We had a nice and relaxing trip.  It's hard to imagine that in one weekend we managed some video games, basketball, football, baseball, waterslide, cookout, and relax!
The neighbors invited us over for some waterslide fun. 

 Sherm explaining the game plan to Ryan and Connor.  Connor had no clue but was a good sport.

Side view of the arch.. pretty cool considering we were driving on the interstate! 

 This not so good picture of the arch should be compared to the next one.
Apparently you don't have to go into St. Louis to see the arch!  We found this one not to far from St. Louis.

Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School

We had our first day of school on August 22nd.  It has become a tradition in our house to take a picture by the pantry on the first day of school... so here's this year's pics.
Nolan starting 4th grade.
Connor starting 1st grade.

Monday, August 08, 2011


Nolan found a frog in the dog pen Sunday. Not sure why it thought it would be a good idea to hang out by the dogs...

Checkpoint Bible Camp

Nolan went to his first summer camp last week. To say he had a blast would be a gross understatement. He had so much fun and learned a lot. There was swimming, canoeing, archery, rifle shooting, and awesome bible teaching! He's already told us he wants to go next year.

Walking to his cabin... it was a looong walk. Nolan is in the orange shirt.

All settled in and ready for the fun to begin.

Mom, dad, and Connor rode back in style thanks to Pastor Chris and his rocket golf cart.