Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Baby Quilts

I have finished two more quilts!
Both of these quilts were almost completely made from either my stash or thrift store finds.
I love being able to do that...quilting is an expensive hobby!
Even the batting was from left over pieces.
I save almost every bit.

Check out the perfectly mitered corner!
Most of the others weren't bad either. ;)

I machine quilted both of the quilts.
I used the walking foot for duck panel.

I found this duck panel at the thrift store a couple of years ago.
I found the perfect use for it.

For the second quilt, I did free motion quilting.
This photo is the backside, which is usually fairly sloppy.
There was quite a bit of practice before I was brave enough to tackle the baby quilt.
Not perfect but much improved.

This is the front of the rainbow baby quilt.
I participated in a rainbow scrap challenge in 2019.
I did one block of each color last year not knowing what I was going to do with them.
Once I decided on a baby quilt I added the black and white.
This was all scraps except for the teal.
I didn't have any teal so I found some in the clearance bin at Walmart.

The striped binding I made for another project but didn't use.
It worked perfectly for this quilt.


I made these in memory of two miscarried babies of dear friends of ours.
These quilts will be donated to the local pregnancy crisis center.