Saturday, January 18, 2020

Vacation Part 10 - Chained Rock

I think this is the last vacation post!
I'm sure I've forgotten a few things but I think I got all the big ones.

On our way home we made a stop at Pine Mountain State Resort Park.
It's just outside of Pineville, Kentucky.
Truthfully, we thought there was a lake here.
We were wrong. It was still a good side trip.
It was supposed to be a quick stop to stretch our legs.
One hot hike and an hour later we were back on the road.



This is half of the town of Pineville.
It's one of our favorite towns to go through on our Tennessee trips.
It has a flood wall with gates around it.
The town itself sits below the highway in a bowl.
Kind of like New Orleans only in the mountains.
I like to pass through but I don't think I could ever live there!

We usually stop at the Little Caesar's that's at one end of the town.


We've read about the chained rock that's in the park.
Since we were there we decided to hike to it.

Lots of steps.

Lots of water trickling on and beside the trail.

Lots of rocks.

Did I mention the rocks?
Oh and there was lots of heat too!

The trail got a little vague at one point.

We did figure it out.
There was a little climbing involved...but not here.
Had you scared didn't I!

This is rock has an interesting story.


You can see this rock when you go around Pineville if you know where to look.
Yes, there are signs telling you not to climb the chain.
I wasn't tempted to.

Another view of Pineville.

So that's our "quick" little trip to the chained rock.

Monday, January 13, 2020

All Things Food

 Over the last several months Connor has been able to try some new foods.

We bought a waffle iron some time ago.
A waffle is just a pancake with wells to hold sugar.
I make a triple batch of chocolate chip waffles almost every weekend.
We freeze the extras to use for breakfast during the week.

Corn dogs!
I had procrastinated about this for a long time.
If I had known how easy they were to make, I would have done it sooner.

 They taste like fair corn dogs too!
Super simple and super yummy.
Connor definitely loves these!

Yeast doughnuts!

Not as easy as the corn dogs but worth the effort.

Homemade pizza at our house is nothing new.
I've made the dough and sauce for years because of Connor's allergies.
Now we do it because we love it.
Recently we tried them in cast iron skillets.
Only three of us were home at the time and we each made our own version.
I folded over the excess dough and added cheese.
Part way through baking we decided the crust needed to be brushed with oil.

These were kind of deep dish style but oh so good!
Next time we'll brush the crust with butter and Parmesan cheese.

Last but not least...
I've had this mixer for 20 years.
It didn't die on me but was on it's last leg.
I've used it so much I wore out the gears.
I was sad to say good-bye.
It's just a mixer but I've had it for so long!

Meet the new mixer.
I've used it a couple of times in the first three days I've had it.
It's going to take some time to adjust to this one.
It has a little more power to it.
I can't wait to try an angel food cake!

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Vacation Part 9 - Camping the Wet Way

It's been a year since I went back to work full-time.
Eventually I will have all of our vacation posts done.
I'm trying to be more intentional in writing posts.

Before I get to the main point of our misadventures with the weather, I'll show this interesting picture:

This was posted in the camp store at Blackberry Blossom.
It was both cool and scary at the same time.
I'm happy to report that we never saw or heard Norman.
Maybe it had something to do with the weather!

Earlier I wrote a vacation post about camping the right way.
That was in the beginning of our trip.
It was fun.

There's always a risk factor when camping: weather.
It's so unpredictable.
The meteorologists do their best at forecasting.
In the end, it's still somewhat of a gamble.
We try to plan accordingly but it's still risky.
That's part of camping.

We've been camping since 2013 and it's always an adventure.
For the most part we're fair weather campers.
I mean, who desires to camp in the inclement weather?
Over the years we've had the occasional passing shower or evening steady rain.
We've even endured the mid 40's as a low. It was a little chilly!

This time, however, was different. and on the entire time we camped in Unicoi.

Knowing bad weather was most likely to happen we got to Unicoi and set up our tent before it hit.
Our thinking was to put the tent up while it was dry.
That worked out fairly well.

It stayed beautiful long enough to set up camp.

This is our second time camping here.
As long as we are able, I think we'll camp at Blackberry Blossom.
It's a special place.

We used the WiFi at he camp store to keep and eye on the radar.
We were really hoping the ugliest of the storms would miss us.
N o p e.
Noticing the approaching storm we had to decide on what to do.
Stay at the camp or head to family the next town over.
We opted for visiting family even though we could have rode out the storm in the camp store.

We secured all of our gear and high tailed it off the mountain.
There's nothing like racing down a mountain trying to beat a storm!

Let's just say the storm hit as we got to the bottom.
We had to pull over because there was lots of hail and wind.

Another storm was in Erwin.

After visiting family we headed back to camp.
And of course it started raining pouring again.
It's hard to see but the tent is behind the pole under the tree.
What is also hard to pick up in a photo is that there was a STREAM of water flowing toward the tent.
It was at this point Dwayne got out and started digging a trench with a rock so the water would flow around the tent. It was also when the boys and I decided to stay in the van and ask each other who was going out to help. We decided it was a one person job.
It was also decided that we needed a shovel... so off to Walmart we went for the said tool.

This is a small creek that is across the field from our tent.
It was running quite full after the storm!

 Our intact tent.
No damage and no leaks!
Nothing but a soggy camp sight.

We later learned that the storm wasn't bad on the mountain.
I'm guessing we drove through the worst part!
Oh well.

The storms were intermittent.

We took advantage of the times between storms. 

We made several trips to Walmart for supplies...and a dry place to hang out.
On one of those trips we decided to get a canopy. We had been thinking about it for a while.
We debated on the size and ended up with a larger one.
It was so big that we put two of legs in the creek so it would fit in our campsite.
Oops. It still worked great and kept us dry.

We still had a fire or two.

We tried some of the colored flame stuff.
It was pretty cool to watch.

I forgot about the rainbow until I was going through the photos for this post.
There is a faint second one if you look closely. 

We survived our soggy camping experience.
It was definitely memorable.

Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Christmas Quilts

Christmas quilts!

They do not have a Christmas theme but were gifts.

This idea sort of started back in the summer.

I came across this panel while on vacation and knew my mom would love the birds.
I just had no idea what I was going to make.

My mom hangs small banners on the door to her room.
I thought I could make some.
So I took some measurements and got busy sewing.

I just happened to have some dark brown fabric I found at the thrift store.
It made a great binding for the birds.

Not wanting to stop with birds, I found some jazzy snowmen!
I made the two on the right for practice and the two on the left for mom.
(I ended up sending the two on the right to some friends who used to play those instruments.)

 This was such a fun and quick little project!
It was my first time making hanging pockets.
I love learning knew quilty things.

I counted each one as a little quilt.
That makes my quilt count come to 35.

I completely forgot to measure these when I was done.
I think the snowmen are around 12" square and the birds are about 9" x 15".

Here's one of them on mom's door.
I think I might have to make more in the future.