Saturday, August 04, 2012

Lake Michigan

We decided to walk to the lighthouse after seeing the Nina and Pinta.

Of course you can't be that close to water and NOT get in.
Why we didn't bring swimsuits is still baffling me.

Of course the boys had to get rocks and shells.

Of course they got wetter than they were supposed to.
The waves got them... at least that's what they told us.
Thankfully it was a long and drying walk back to the van.

Apparently there were going to be some speed boat races.
A speed boat with a caveman and Geico logo on the sides.
The speed boat that we watched as it was backed into the water.
The speed boat's truck had a few problems...
something about a winch still attached....
let's just say the once vertical front tires were no
longer vertical and leave it at that...
and leave we did.

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