This is one of those no-real-purpose posts.
We've finally had consistent good weather.
Which means I have not finished my quilt.
I did actually quilt some on it.
I have one square done.
I just can't bring myself to quilt when it's so nice outside.
(Although I really want to finish it.)
This week we've relocated the duck pond to the cow run behind the house.
In the mornings we walk the ducks through the gate to spend the day inside the yard.
We have two reasons for moving them.
One, the duck mess is contained in an out of the way place.
No one is going to care if they make their mess there.
Two, the ducks have been bossing the chickens around.
This gives each of them their own space.
We're hoping it's a win-win.
The ducks grumbled at first but now they're warming up to the new area.
We've worked with Pepper on leaving our animals alone.
So far, she's behaved herself.
Truthfully, I don't think she cares.
Nolan preparing for a science activity that involved an exploding two liter bottle...
OK, it didn't explode, just shot a clay stopper off.
Still fun though.
Dwayne was home sick last week.
One morning I came to the living room to corral my missing students and found this.
It's our version of socializing the animals.
(I joined them after taking some pictures.)
Taming the wild beasts is hard work.
The ducklings so stinking cute.
We can't have a post without some silly Pepper pics.
She sits/stands/lounges all the time with her head between the spindles.
I would love to get a shot from the outside but can't seem to sneak up on her.
This is the best one I could get so far... by sticking my hand through the rails.
Silly dog.