I know it seems crazy to believe but I'm a shutter bug.
I will take a photo of just about anything.
Seriously, I once took a picture of the grease floating in a pot I had soaking with water.
It made the neatest pattern.
I owned a simple point and shoot camera for years.
Even though it was a simple camera it still had a few bells and whistles.
I learned to tinker with the settings.
I was beginning to understand a little more about cameras and photography.
Then my camera died.
I did not get a new camera right away because my smart phone took decent photos.
Deep down I still wanted a good camera. I was just a bit intimidated by the choices.
After some research, we finally took the plunge and bought one.
I was so excited!
I could not wait for it to get here.
In the days waiting for the camera to get here some unexpected sadness crept in.
Seriously?! I was excited and saddened at the same time.
My dad, being an avid photographer, owned a few decent cameras.
Every time I see one, I think of my dad. (Even this photo brings tears to my eyes.)
He would have been so thrilled about my new camera.
We shared a love for photography.
He would tell me which of my photos were his favorites.
He would share shots he had taken...
and the adventures that went along with them.
He would give me advice.
(He repeatedly told me to read the camera's manual.)
Thankfully, I plan on spending more time behind the camera than looking at it.
With that in mind here's some random photos I've taken in the first few days.
I've decided to stick with the auto setting for the time being.
I want to get used to how the camera works before venturing into changing settings.
She wanted me to come out and play...not take a photo.
Silly dog.
There's so much this camera is capable of doing.
I have a lot to learn.
I'm off to read the manual. It has nearly 400 pages!
It might take a while.