Monday, February 10, 2020


It has been a challenge trying to figure out how to quilt and work full-time.
We need silly things like meals, clean clothes, and clean bathrooms.
Dwayne and the boys have been excellent at helping around the house so I can have quilting time.

With that said...
A couple of weeks ago I finished hand sewing all of the dragon pieces to the background.
It took me approximately four months.
Three of those months I was working four, ten hour days in a steel fabrication shop.
There were some of those shop training days that I was too exhausted to sew in the evening!
When my three months were up I went back to normal office hours.
I was able to work on the dragon during my lunch break.

I'm so excited to get this far on Nolan's graduation quilt.
I told him it will not be done by graduation.
My goal is to finish this year. ;)

I cannot take credit for drawing this thing.
I found a free-for-my-use image.
I imported the image into my quilting software and traced it.
Then I was able to print templates.
I drew a grid on both the pattern and the fabric to help with the placement of each piece. 

If you look closely you can see faint lines that were used to outline each piece.
There are also some red marks by the eye.
All of these markings will wash out.

A close up courtesy of my new camera.

I'm nowhere near done with the dragon quilt.
There are 16 of these Celtic blocks that are spaced around the dragon.
I made a practice block.
Actually, this was my second attempt at this block.
My first try was so bad I needed to start all over.
At least I learned what not to do!
Don't worry, the blocks for the dragon quilt are not pink!
Besides these blocks, I'm also making Nolan's name in blocks as well.
I want to get the Celtic blocks done first.
One step at a time.

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