Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Duck Math

We’re quite possibly crazy. We really do enjoy our animals.
There’s such a thing called “duck math”. We’ve personally experienced this. Basically duck math is where you start with a few, intend to only get a couple more and end up with way more. The flock kind of grows exponentially. I just happens… ok, well maybe a lack of self-control might have something to do with it. Here’s the story of our latest duck math adventure.

We gave 4 hens away with the intent to only replace the 4 hens.
We ordered only 4 hens.
So far so good.

Then we went to the feed store to get supplies for the soon to arrive ducklings. I knew we were in trouble the second we walked in the door and heard the cheeping and peeping. We just looked at each other. We must resist, we must resist… then we looked at the duckling bin. Wouldn’t you know it that they had a breed we’ve been wanting to try? Well, we’re not exactly sure of the breed but we’ve narrowed it down.
They had 3.
We got all three.
We’re so weak. I say we because I’m not sure which of us is weaker.
We both say the other. We’re both enablers.
We left the store with feed, bedding, and 3 adorable little ducklings.

The day came for our duckling order to arrive at the post office.
There were 5 healthy little ducklings in the box.
Yes, five.
The hatchery sometimes adds an extra just in case.

Summary of our duck math:
Started with 14 (12 hens/2 drakes)
Gave away 4 hens, leaving 10 (8 hens/2 drakes)
Spontaneously bought 3 (suspect 2 hens/1 drake)
Shipment of 5 (5 hens)
New total: 18 ducks! (15 hens/3 drakes?)

We should know in a couple of weeks what gender the three we bought from the feed store are.
We're pretty sure we’ve already heard at least one quack. A quack means it’s a hen.
We do have plans of re-homing some of the surplus ducks.

I know y’all are dying to find out what breeds we ordered! We ordered Pekins and Welsh Harelequins. These breeds are calmer, unlike our Runners. We’ve had Pekins before and the boys really like them. The Welshs are a new breed to us. They’re known for their very calm demeanor. I’m really hoping to make pets out of them. The Runners are fun to watch but they are very skittish! We’re going to try to handle the Welsh’s and Pekins everyday so they get used to us. Only time will tell how they will do.

Isn't this face adorable?

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