Sunday, April 06, 2014

Nine and a Minion

If ever there was a toy or character that could
come close to being like Connor,
it would be a minion.
Always happy & smiling.
Always ready & willing to help.
Always silly at the drop of a hat.

Hard to believe our little boy is 9.

Can you tell he's excited?

This turned out to be a lot of fun.
An RC helicopter.

I know you can hardly see it but the helicopter is near the top of a tree.
It's the white blob.
Casey almost pounced on it the first time it took off!
~On a side note, we're minus one chicken.
We came home from church and discovered one of the hens in the yard.
Unfortunately, Casey "discovered" her too.
It looked like a chicken massacre... feathers EVERYWHERE.
We honestly thought she had gotten two hens instead of one.
Once Connor got over the chicken incident
(we call him the chicken whisperer),
he had a great day.

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