Thursday, April 02, 2015

Oh the Irony

This is Pepper sitting by a gate anxiously wanting to get to the other side.
We were trying to get her to jump through the hole.
Dwayne's grandpa made the hole for the dogs a long time ago.
It's been ages since a dog has jumped through.

It took a lot of coaxing but eventually she made the jump.
This was her first attempt.
I say attempt because she hit her head on the top bar.
She was OK and we figured she was done with the gate.
We kept encouraging her.
She decided to go for it and made it.

Once on the other side we went for a walk.
Nothing new except for abundant sunshine and warm temperatures.

She even jumped back through with no problems.
Way to go Pepper!

On a different note, we think Pepper has allergies.
We're suspecting food allergies.
The irony of having both a child and a dog with food allergies is not lost on us.

Someone has a birthday coming up very soon.

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