Sunday, April 19, 2015


 We may be slightly crazy.
We like chickens.
They are fun to have around.
We decided to get thirteen chicks!
Our plan is to raise and butcher some.
We like the idea of knowing where our food comes from.
This is just an experiment.
We plan on keeping four of them.
And one of them is a rooster!
We've never had one before.

They're so cute when they're this size.
We usually put our chicks in a 20 gallon fish tank.
We had to use a large storage bin this time.
Way too many of them for the tank!
We got 4 different breeds:
3 Black Australorp (the black with white belly chicks)
3 Rhode Island Red (the brown ones)
3 Buff Orpington (the yellow ones)
and 4 Aracuana (brown/black stripes, one is a rooster)

This one is a Black Australorp.
These remind the boys of penguins.

They do silly things like run from one end of the box to the other at high speeds.

They may be very cute but they make big messes.

They all stopped and craned their necks when I was vacuuming.

They look like this when they sleep.

Sometimes they burrow into each other.

Sometimes they try to sleep standing up.

Sometimes they fall asleep leaning on their beak.

We're having so much fun watching them.

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