Tuesday, July 21, 2015


There's not much going on around here.
We're almost done with school.
Should be done this week. Woo hoo!

I wouldn't classify Pepper as wildlife, unless you get a leash or a toy.
Then she's a wild banshee.
We've never had a dog go crazy over seeing the leash.
She knows that means she's heading down the road for a walk.
It's adventure time. 

Last Friday we had some more rain.
Not much, just enough to say it rained.
Then we were treated with two beautiful rainbows. 

So cool to look like we have lake front property.

We have enjoyed having the lake behind the house.
There have been great blue herons and ducks here everyday.
This week we noticed another water bird, an American Bittern.
They are funny to watch.
They run upright similar to our Indian Runner ducks.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, the lake is drying up.
There are now entire rows of exposed mud reaching across the lake.
We're going to miss watching the birds and hearing the frogs.

For several nights we've had these frogs on our doors and windows.
Last night we had at least six of them on this door alone.
It might have something to do with someone leaving the porch light on.
The light attracted the extra bugs, which then attracted the frogs.

More robins.
I am always amazed at the engineering of the nests!

The boys were excited to find one of these guys munching on a milkweed plant.
It's the caterpillar for a monarch.
Of course he had to come home with us.

We found him just in time.
He attached himself to the top after one day.
They curl up like this right before they shed their skin.

I completely missed the shedding stage.
It happens fairly quickly.
Now we wait 10 - 14 days.
The chrysalis will change to opaque and almost transparent just before they emerge.
You can see the black and orange of the butterfly's wings.
It's really cool.

While I was writing this post Nolan found several more monarch larvae!
I guess I'll have to get a bigger butterfly cage.

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