Friday, November 10, 2017

Quilt Quack 6

It was quite chilly this morning as I went to do chores.
It was a whopping 24 balmy November degrees.
It was spitting some snow too.
I tried to get a picture of the snowflakes that stuck to Pepper but she didn't cooperate very well.
Every morning when I go out to do chores she runs to get her soccer ball.
Since it got cooler she thinks play time is all the time.
When we come home from town she greets us at the gate with her ball in her mouth.
She spins circles waiting for someone to kick her ball.
Silly dog.

I had to break the ice in her water bowl this morning.

We got a heated water bucket for the ducks out in the yard.
So far it has worked very well.
All I had to do was dump the yucky water and replace it with fresh.
I didn't have to break any ice!

They didn't like the bucket at first but they got used to it.

Now we'd like to get another heated bucket for these guys.
It will be so awesome not to have to worry about their water icing up this winter.

On the quilting side of my world, I have finished quilting on one quilt and working on another.
I'm hoping to finish the second one soon.
I'll have a post about those quilts coming up.
For now just a sneak peek!

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