Monday, November 20, 2017


Over the weekend I officially reached the halfway point of this crazy hexagon table runner.
I have hand sewn 210 one inch hexies.
I think I decided to keep going and do the other half.
Which means only 210 more to go.
I'm in no hurry to finish this.
It's a nice slow paced sewing project.

There are 14 hexies in each row.
I gathered the remaining hexies into piles of 7 (because
those little red clips hold that amount well).
This way I don't have to count, just grab two stacks and start sewing.
Not sure why I didn't think about that before!

Since I finished the last baby quilt I needed a new project.
I've been wanting a Christmas table runner.
I learned to add my own fabrics to the EQ software.
This enabled me to tinker with a pattern using fabrics I actually own.
I'm a visual person and this helped me a whole lot!
Today I started cutting fabric to make one tree block.
I'll try it out tomorrow and see how it goes.
I'm hoping to have the top done sometime this week.
Well, if my foot cooperates that will be my goal.
My foot has been very grumpy of late.
I'm trying sit as much as I can or stand with all my weight on my good foot.
Thankfully I start physical therapy this week.
I'm also thankful my sewing machine has an option to sew without the foot pedal.
I've never liked sewing with a pedal so I never use it!
It's been boxed away since I got it.

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