Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Like Weeds

Ducklings grow fast.
I know I keep saying it but they really do.
Sometimes it seems as if they're bigger in the morning than they were the evening before!

This was taken on the 24th. These two are about 4 - 5 weeks old.
The one on the left has started quacking.
That means we have at least one new hen. :)

The little ducklings are 2 weeks old.
Their tail feathers are continuing to grow.
They seem to be getting noticeably bigger every day.

We removed the screen divider because one of the Khaki Campbells had jumped over.
We watched to make sure the big ones weren't hurting the little ones.
They seem to be getting along fairly well.

We took the big ones outside for a short time and the little ones peeped for them.
They missed them.
Now they will even all cuddle up together.
They're so cute.
(Check out the super relaxed duckling by the frisbee with both of its feet stretched out.)
Silly ducks.

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