Saturday, October 27, 2018


Just for fun I'm starting a "whoops" label on the blog.
Let's face it, we all make mistakes.
It's good to laugh and learn from them.
So for the inaugural post I'm sharing this whoops.

Now at first you may be wondering what's wrong...other than the lighting of the photo.
I spent an afternoon laying out 42 black and white blocks.
I went to move one of them and discovered the mistake.
All four corners of each block should match.
I accidentally sewed wrong halves together.
Thankfully the white fabrics are busy enough it's hard to spot.
It drove me crazy at first and I thought about fixing it.
However, the idea of ripping out seams changed my mind.
It's not as if a quarter of the block was turned. That would be a different story.
So I chose to leave it.

You have to look hard to find it.
It's not a glaring mistake.
It's more of a hidden treasure.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

There are stories in the quilting world about the Amish adding a mistake on purpose.
I have never researched that but it is an interesting thought.

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