Monday, January 13, 2020

All Things Food

 Over the last several months Connor has been able to try some new foods.

We bought a waffle iron some time ago.
A waffle is just a pancake with wells to hold sugar.
I make a triple batch of chocolate chip waffles almost every weekend.
We freeze the extras to use for breakfast during the week.

Corn dogs!
I had procrastinated about this for a long time.
If I had known how easy they were to make, I would have done it sooner.

 They taste like fair corn dogs too!
Super simple and super yummy.
Connor definitely loves these!

Yeast doughnuts!

Not as easy as the corn dogs but worth the effort.

Homemade pizza at our house is nothing new.
I've made the dough and sauce for years because of Connor's allergies.
Now we do it because we love it.
Recently we tried them in cast iron skillets.
Only three of us were home at the time and we each made our own version.
I folded over the excess dough and added cheese.
Part way through baking we decided the crust needed to be brushed with oil.

These were kind of deep dish style but oh so good!
Next time we'll brush the crust with butter and Parmesan cheese.

Last but not least...
I've had this mixer for 20 years.
It didn't die on me but was on it's last leg.
I've used it so much I wore out the gears.
I was sad to say good-bye.
It's just a mixer but I've had it for so long!

Meet the new mixer.
I've used it a couple of times in the first three days I've had it.
It's going to take some time to adjust to this one.
It has a little more power to it.
I can't wait to try an angel food cake!

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