Friday, September 20, 2013

Apple Cider Press

While we were still on vacation, we were privy to
an apple cider press demonstration...
right on the family farm.

I didn't know this thing existed.
Apparently, Dwayne's grandpa, who lived to his 90's,
bought this at an auction for $2.50!
It's now a collector's item.

Whole apples are ground up in the top part.
You really had to get the crank going to
grind some of the more stubborn apples.

Then the apple chunks drop to the barrel below.

There's a trickle juice starting.

The real magic happens when the apple pieces are pressed.

...and pressed,

...and pressed some more.

Look at that juice!

The "cake" by-product of pressing.

The family which enjoyed the apple cider pressing.

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