Friday, May 22, 2015


We spent a few days at our favorite campground in Eureka, Missouri.
It's about 30 minutes from downtown St. Louis where our HHT doctors are.
We planned on tent camping, just like last year.
The weather started out crummy, just like last year.
We upgraded to a cabin, just like last year.
We got the exact same cabin!

The weather finally cooperated after the first day.
We even had sunshine!

The boys using up some of their stored up energy.
It's hard work sitting in waiting rooms all afternoon. 

We'd like to own a couple of these cool bikes.

After all is said and done, it sounds like we don't have to go back for a checkup for four years!
So thankful.

Proof we were in St. Louis... a crummy highway picture of Busch Stadium.

And while we were in St. Louis I had take a picture of the arch!
We also ventured to a local place called Racanelli's New York Pizzeria.
It happened to be close to the hospital complex.
We highly recommend this pizza.
It was super yummy.

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