Monday, May 04, 2015

Spring is in the Air

It's been so beautiful outside.
I caught Pepper enjoying a nap.

I also caught this chick sleeping on top of the feeder.

It's been nice enough to take the chicks outside.

We had some adventures in the woods.

Connor is still enjoying his new camera.

Connor decided to venture out into the mud.
Like a good mom, I was too busy snapping photos
to pay attention to what he was doing.

This was the moment when he realized just how stuck he was.

It took a while, but we managed to get him free.

We've enjoyed walks along the ditch.
I love the cow path.

We've enjoyed the frogs serenading for their mates.
If you look closely at the center you can see one with his throat puffed out.

They were so loud it made our ears rattle.

Nolan found this nest in the barn lot.

It's a robin's nest.

Four beautiful eggs.

In case there was a need for more duckling pictures, here's several.

We had them outside for a little while.
They figured out how to escape through the fence.
They made such a chatter when we brought them back inside.
They missed their new chick friends.

We are enjoying the ducklings so much!

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