Sunday, June 18, 2017


I'm remembering two things today.

Today marks three years since I had my brain surgery.
I'm still incredibly grateful for all God has done and continues to do.
I do not want to miss an opportunity to thank God.
Especially today.

And of course, it's Father's Day.

I'm remembering my dad today.
The pain isn't quite as sharp today but it still hurts deeply.
Today is hard as I endure the second Father's Day without him.
I still miss him terribly.

So today I'll shed tears as I remember
his laugh,
our long talks.
and his silly jokes.

I don't have many pictures of my dad.
I found this one that I really like.
It's my dad and his dad.
They have such great smiles in this picture.

That's what I want to remember today.
My dad's great smile.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Miss him horribly!! Thank you for reminding me of his smile....❤ So needed it today. Deborah