Monday, December 26, 2016


The annual Christmas ornament picture.
We've had an ornament made with their picture every year since the year Nolan was born.
It's fun to get the ornaments out and see the differences from year to year.

Christmas photo with Grandma Knapp.

We spent Christmas Eve-eve in Mishawaka.
We had lasagna and played a new game.

Dwyane's new Cubs hat.

Christmas morning we started with some reading from Matthew.

After the important reminders of what Christmas is really about we divvied out the pile.
(Nolan's game system is not part of the pile... it just hasn't found it's new home yet.)

This is going to be a shock to everyone, but this is Connor's favorite gift this year.
Yes, it's a stuffed chicken.
And he loves it.

I'm not sure how the chicken ended up this way.
We really wish we had done this so Connor could have found it this way.
It's super funny because that's what our dear old Rosie did with a real chicken in the back yard.
All you could see were two feet sticking up out of the ground.

Yep, that's a stuffed worm.
It was full of  sour gummy worms.

Connor with his new machete.

Our writer received several books on writing this year... which he loved.

Funny story about this gift.
I was instructed to get any gift... so I reached into my stocking and pulled this out.
Oooo... BB's! That meant I was getting something that needed them...
which I hadn't opened yet. Oops.

So later when it was my turn again, I unwrapped something to go with my BB's.
Dwayne got one of these this last year and I've been wanting my own.

Ironically, we got Dwayne targets and CO2 cartridges.
I'm sure he'll share with me.

We hope you had as good a Christmas as we had.
We made lots of food and snacks.
It was relaxing just eating and hanging out with family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved the ducks! We have enough snow
on the deck to sweep, but not really
to shovel. Not too bad for this
time of year. Hope you all had a
good Christmas!
