Monday, June 01, 2015


On Monday of our vacation we packed up most of our gear and headed to Erwin.
It was about an hour and a half drive from Newport where we were staying.

We had planned on camping at Rock Creek in Erwin.
We checked out the facilities and decided to camp elsewhere.

Dwayne remembers swimming here when he was a kid.

It is quite a unique pool.
Looks more like a pond.

It is fed by a mountain spring.
Sounds super cold to me. 

We did indeed visit family.
Aunt Gladys is the only one I remembered to take pictures of.
We visited two aunts, an uncle, and one cousin all in one day.

After the final family visit we quickly drove to our campsite.
We ended up camping at Riverpark Campground just outside of Erwin.
Two words: awesome bathrooms.
This place is right on the Nolichucky River.

It had rained off and on the entire day.
We were really hoping that it was done.
We managed to pitch the tent and have supper before the rain came.

The only noise that was heard was the roaring of the river over the rapids...
and pouring rain for several hours.

Thankfully the rain had stopped sometime in the night.
We stayed nice and dry inside our tent.

This is how close the campsite was to the river.

Proof that I can be in a picture too.

We really enjoyed this campground and plan on using it again.
I hope it doesn't rain next time ;)

We stopped at the fish hatchery while in Erwin.

Our final stop was at Fishery Park.
It was strange being in Erwin for such a short time.
We enjoyed our brief stay.
It was nice seeing family and the mountains that are so familiar to us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love all the pics, BUT WHERE'S THE BEAR?