Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Ugly:
So we've had some flooding around here.
The worst we've seen in the 15 years we've been in our house.
Many roads are closed, including ours a mile south of the house.
According to my father-in-law, we've had 19 inches of rain in June.
June still has thirteen more days left.
I really hope they're dry ones!

This was one of the times it was pouring.
All of the chickens are under the carport while the ducks are in the puddles.
Only a duck would love this kind of weather.

We've never had this many large puddles in our yard for this long. 

This puddle was almost deep enough for the duck to swim in.
She tried.

One of the storms that missed us.
Unfortunately, later that evening we had a monsoon hit us.


The Bad:

Our entire basement has 1 - 2 inches of water.
That's a first for us.

She thought she was getting a treat.
You can't tell, but she's sitting in water.

Thankfully, it was clear and sunny on Tuesday.
This gave us a chance to catch up draining the basement before more rain came.

It's rained twice so far on Wednesday.
This is the whirlpool above the culvert at the ditch.

Now whenever we go outside the mosquitoes attack us.
I have a feeling they're only going to get worse.


The Good:

No better time than now to clean out the basement ;)
Nothing like a squeegee clean concrete floor!

We got a sled out and the boys jumped on it to "surf".
Might as well have some fun in the puddles.

There's one other cool thing we've discovered from the flood.
Frogs have moved into the water in the field behind the house.
They sing a loud chorus every evening.
We'll miss it if and when the water ever dries up!

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