Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Hot Springs

Before we left Erwin, our friends met us and we showed them around town.
Then we followed them to Hot Springs, North Carolina.

It's fun following the red sports car!
Best tour guide ever.

This is what happens when your camera decides to focus on the rain
on the window rather than the great outdoors.

We really had no idea where we were going.
We were just along for the ride.
We made sure we didn't lose our tour guide. ;)

Even in the rain we could never get tired of looking at the mountains. 

We made it to Hot Springs.
It's a cool little town similar to Madison, Indiana.
We found some ice cream at a local shop that Connor was able to enjoy.
It's the first time he had it scooped from a counter and not from a box.
We think he liked it.

Somewhere along the way we found some waterfalls.
I forgot about them until I was going through the pictures!

You can pretend I had the right setting on for this shot.

Our gracious tour guides/friends/family/hosts said, "We can stop anywhere you like."
So we did and it was fun.
No hurry, no schedule, no maps.. (OK we used the GPS).
Just driving and looking.
We tried to find a place called Painted Rock.
The sign said it was 5 1/2 miles.
An hour later we still hadn't found it,
but the drive was enjoyable.

I asked Connor to climb the rock so I could get his picture.
I think he said something like, "See, it's a rock."
Silly kid.

I honestly don't remember what this was on but it said "Connor" so I took a picture.
The funny part is, that's kind of how he writes.

Someone left this on a post.
We wondered where the rest of it was.

Another beautiful waterfall.

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